women's urinary health

The providers with Maury Regional Medical Group urology assist women who have health concerns related to the urological system, including the urinary tract and bladder.

Our services for women include those listed here.


Women are at an increased risk for a urinary tract infection (UTI). This infection occurs when bacteria enters the urinary tract.

A UTI should be treated as soon as possible to prevent additional health concerns.


When muscles in the pelvic floor become weak or stretched due to childbirth, surgery, age or other reasons, the bladder can begin to drop. This condition is referred to as bladder prolapse and can result in the bladder falling down into the vaginal area. Women who are experiencing a prolapsed bladder may feel an increased urge to urinate, have pain in the lower pelvic area or lower back, feel a heaviness or pressure in the pelvic area or find intercourse to be painful.

Upon diagnosis of bladder prolapse, treatment may include physical therapy, medications or a procedure to repair the condition. A bladder sling is one type of procedure that can benefit women with diagnosed bladder prolapse.


Women who are experiencing bladder leakage or incontinence are not alone. In fact, the American Urological Association estimates that one-third of women in the United States have some form of incontinence issues. Women who have had a baby or are in post-menopause have a greater chance of developing an incontienence issue. This can be a result of an overactive bladder, pelvic floor muscles that have become weakened, childbirth of certain types of surgery. A urinary tract infection can also result in temporary incontinence, as can certain medications.

Women whose quality of life is impacted by leakage or urgency can receive a range of treatment options, including medication, therapy specially design for women to strengthen the pelvic floor or an oupatient procedure. 

Maury Regional Medical Group Urology also offers urodynamic studies, which test how well the bladder and uretha are able to hold and release the flow of urine. This can indicate to the physician what may be causing leakage or other incontinence issues.