Our Services

Services available from Maury Regional Medical Group Urology include diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the urinary tract, bladder, kidney and prostate. Below is a list of some of the most common conditions that our providers treat. Please ask your primary care provider about a referral to Maury Regional Medical Group Urology if you are affected by these or other conditions or contact our office for additional information.

Kidney stones

When minerals and salts that are contained in the urine are present in a high level, these substances can form stones in the kidneys. Kidney stones can range in size. They may remain in the kidneys but can also move into the tube between the kidney and bladder. A stone that becomes lodged in this tube can cause pain and block urine flow. Someone with a kidney stone may experience an urgency to urinate, a burning sensation during urination and/or discolored urine. Nausea and vomiting may also occur.

Treatment for a kidney stone can range from watchful waiting or a prescription medication to an outpatient procedure to remove or break up the stone.

URINARY incontinence

Many adults experience a condition in which urine leaks or cannot be controlled. This condition is known as urinary incontinence and can range from mild to severe.

According to the American Urological Association, up to one-third of men and women in the United States are affected by urinary incontinence. The risk for this condition increases with age. In addition, women who have had a baby or are post-menopause are at a higher likelihood of developing urinary incontinence. Men who have prostate-related issues may experience urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence can be caused by an overactive bladder, weak muscles in the pelvic floor, childbirth or surgery. Urinary incontinence can also be a temporary condition related to an infection such as a urinary tract infection. Certain medications can also cause temporary incontinence.

Those who have incontinence issues may limit their normal activities because they are concerned about having a leak or an urgent need to use the restroom.

Treatment options for urinary incontinence can include medication to treat infection, therapy to strengthen the pelvic floor or an outpatient procedure depending upon your specific condition.

Maury Regional Medical Group offers urodynamic studies for men and women to provide information to guide treatment of incontinence issues.

URINARY tract infection

When bacteria gets into the urinary system and travels to the bladder, a urinary tract infection (UTI)  can occur. Both men and woman are at risk for a UTI, but women are affected more often than men.

Signs of a UTI can include pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, an increase in the urgency to urinate frequently, blood in the urine (may be undetectable) and burning or pain during urination.  Those experiencing a UTI may find they produce only a small amount of urine even when they feel an urgent need to use the restroom. A UTI may cause one to lose control of their bladder. The patient’s urine may be cloudy or have a foul odor.

Infections in the urinary tract must be treated quickly, usually with an antibiotic. Infections that are left untreated can spread into the bloodstream and create a life-threatening condition, so it is important to seek medical care at the first signs of a urinary tract infection.

cancers of the bladder & prostate

Cancers affecting the bladder can occur in both men or women, but are more common for men. Prostate cancer affects one in nine men.

If you have symptoms such as blood in the urine, pain in the lower abdomen or back or pain when you urinate, schedule an appointment immediately. If the cause of your condition is cancer, early detection can provide more treatment options. Laboratory tests and imaging exams can help to rule out cancer or find cancer so that treatment can begin.

Men’s Health

While men and women may experience issues with the urological system, their health concerns are very different. Maury Regional Medical Group Urology provides diagnosis and treatment for a range of health conditions affecting men. These conditions include:

  • Prostate Health
  • Birth control
  • Reproductive health

Learn more about men's urinary health and the services available at Maury Regional Medical Group Urology here.


Meeting the unique needs of women with urological health concerns is an active part of the services available at Maury Regional Medical Group Urology. Our providers provide diagnosis and treatment for a range of health conditions affecting women. These conditions include:
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Bladder prolapse
  • Urinary incontinence
Learn more about women's urinary health and the services available at Maury Regional Medical Group Urology here.
surgery & procedures

There are times that a urological condition may require treatment through outpatient surgery or a procedure. The providers with Maury Regional Medical Group Urology will discuss your particular condition with you and provide information about any procedures that may recommended to be performed in a surgical suite or in our office. 

Learn more about surgery and other procedures that are used to treat urological health conditions here.